There Be Dragons - CH04E34: The LetterTucked away in Blackfish Circus, Rhylind reads a letter that will change her life; and an unexpected guest makes themselves known in a...
There Be Dragons CH04E33 - Tinkers, Tailors, Soldiers, SpiesRested and recuperated from their adventures in Rattou, the party finally spy Qis in the distance. The journey down the river Dis...
There Be Dragons - CH03E32 - Das BootWith Nezor in a dire situation, the party finally have the Uncle cornered, only to discover they may have been out maneuvered. With the ...
There Be Dragons CH03E31 - The TakedownGetaway plan in place, the party are ready to take on Uncle. Will they succeed? What does Aunty have planned? How much property damage ...
There Be Dragons - CH03E30 - The Breakfast ClubIt’s time to tie up loose ends. The party has leads on where the Uncle is lurking and a plan to deal with him. Well. Parts of a plan, ...
There Be Dragons - CH03E29 - In The Cloaca Of MadnessIt's a bird! it's a plane! No, wait, it's a just a big bird. Oh wow, a REALLY big bird. A bird the party know far too well by this point....
There Be Dragons CH03E28 - Too Chuffed, Too FuriousWith oaths made (and very likely unkept) to keep the secrets of the Bank of Rattou, the party return to the Nine Widows Inn to recoup...
There Be Dragons CH03E27 - The Better Angels Of Our NatureMemories and Ghosts. That’s all that lie beneath the earth. Well, not just that. The lower vaults of the Bank of Rattou seem to be a bit...
There Be Dragons CH03E26 - Who You Gonna Call?The party, hopeful of a significant payday that will cover the cost of Madrigal's services flipping some less-than-legal gold, make...