The Gods
The Gods of There Be Dragons are unique in that they are almost universally worshiped in one form or another by all peoples, but do not share necessarily the same cultural importance, name or depiction in the same form.
Each culture and nation favours certain deities over others, and the roles and classes of their adherents can vary from traditional organised Paladin and Clerical orders, to other non-traditional structures and classes.
Below are three of the Gods of the world, as the story progresses, more will be added to this gallery.
The Fury
Also known as: Judgement. Justica. Jaegir. Our Lady.
Alignment: Lawful axis.
Portfolio: Light, Law, Order, Judgement, Justice, Retribution
Domains: Light, War, Protection
Classes: Paladin, Cleric
Holy Number: Seven
Holy Sigil: A flame, coiling in on itself like the ouroboros
Criminals fear the invocation of The Fury. Her agents in the world are many, her institutions strong, her justice swift.
She is Judgement personified, raw justice in one hand, and mercy in the other. There is no in between. Her paladins and clerics, known respectively as Justicars and Inquisitors are similarly disposed. It is oft better to be captured by the local judiciaries than face their swift justice at the edge of a blade or maul by an ordained follower of The Fury.
She is sometimes shown smiting practitioners of necromancy, or the undead, as they are often either themselves crimes of injustice to the dead, or guilty of animating them. The concept of death being an immutable, one way process is a strong core tenet of the faith.
Her temples are the places of justice. The Courthouse, The Executioners Block. The Watch House. It is believed that she oversees all matters pertaining to justice and the adherance of law as its patron.
Darkly, it is whispered, she is also possibly patron of retribution and revenge. For when the laws of mortals fail, or evidence is lacking, will she not aid those who nurse in their heart the need for justice?
Also known as: The Wanderer, The Bard, Jehr
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Nature, Travel, Learning, Exploration, Knowledge, Deception
Domains: Knowledge, Trickery, Nature
Classes: Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Bard
Holy Number: Three
Holy Sigil: A Brass Circle bisected by a Rod.
The Journeyman is the god of wanderlust, travel and luck.
Found on the many paths of the world, those often trod and those that are not are small lodges that act as shrines to The Journeyman. It is customary of followers who visit these shrines, whether for refuge or for religious reasons, to leave part of their rations behind for the next traveler, or a book or scribed song. Some adherents of the faith spend their entire lives traveling the many roads of the world, offering guidance and clearing the ways of obstacles and dangers.
He is depicted as a traveler in a brown dirty cloak and tunic, staff in hand with a brim hat pulled down over his face to protect against the weather, the journeyman is the patron god of bards and any who seek knowledge that can only be obtained through experiences and travel. The Journeyman represents natural knowledge, luck in endeavors, but also trickery and misfortune. It is often said that he delights in the turning of fortune to watch his followers overcome hardships and learn from mistakes.
Clerics and Paladins of The Journeyman often tend to these lodges, maintaining their good states and seeking paths less traveled to expand their knowledge.
The Journeyman
The Lady of Bones
Also known as: The Lady, Lady of Shadows, The Keeper, Whisper, Death.
Alignment: True Neutral
Portfolio: Death, Secrets
Domains: Death, Grave, Knowledge
Classes: None.
Holy Number: Nought
Holy Sigil: The Lady has no Sigil
The Lady of Bones is the goddess of the dead.
It is she who listens to the confessions and secrets of dying mortals and ultimately guiding them to their rest in whatever heavens or hells lie beyond. It is not hers that is the final judgement, rather she facilitates the passage from one world to the other and no more. A silent goddess, she is feared by all who must one day die.
The Lady does not hold any formal temples, as few worship death. There are often small shrines found to her in graveyards and hospitals. Mourners will often leave offerings to ensure the safe passage of their loved ones to their final rest. Depicted often as a maiden in a dress made of the bones of the dead, sometimes shown leading souls through a gate or archway, she guides the departed souls way to the next stage of existence with a lantern aloft. The Lady strikes a sad yet thoughtful impression on any who look upon the depictions of her in places such as graveyards and memorials, where the small votive statues are placed
There is no formal order, faith or fellowship that worship The Lady. There are however those few people who have delved into the secrets of the dead, and they are often sought by those who wish to commune with, learn secrets long forgotten from, or exploit the dead. They are so rare as to be non existent however.
The lady is tight lipped and efforts to earn her favour rarely succeed without dire repercussions.
Lastly, and perhaps most unsettlingly, the existence of undead indicates that whilst she functions as a guide between worlds, this passage is two ways, with her either unable, or unwilling to deal with revenant souls. Some dare whisper that she is the source of these unholy monsters.