Whew! Keeping track of a party divided sure is hard work! Starting with an (almost) bang, this episode has Skairn in audience with Castellan, finally getting some answers to long held questions. Charlie and Rhylind have their own problems to deal with in the markets as Nezor and Abella relax.
Questions, Answers, Secrets, Letters and Bachene Expletives ensue! Skairn draws blood. Nezor is critical. Abella snoops. Charlie asks why you would hurt your friend. Rhylind recounts the past day. There Be Dragons is a D&D 5th ed. game in a sword and gunpowder era. To learn more about the world, check out the website: https://therebedragonscast.com If you'd like to support the podcast, consider supporting us on Patreon! https://www.Patreon.com/therebedragons We're on iTunes, Spotify and where ever you find quality podcasts. Rate and Review to help us grow! Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TBDragonscast and talk about the podcast with the hashtag #ThereBeDragons