There Be Dragons CH03E25 - Up to the Elbow.A delicate operation like this requires careful consideration, planning and above all else, prudent execution. They'll need cover ...
There Be Dragons CH03E24 - UncleAbella's past comes back to haunt her as the party prepare to go on a spending splurge. With a certain magical supply shop now a known...
There Be Dragons - CH03E23 - UncleIt's never a good idea to split the party, but extortion, several attempted murders, mishandling of goods and a 30% discount? Rhylind has...
There Be Dragons - CH03E22 - Lizard B*tch!Whew! Keeping track of a party divided sure is hard work! Starting with an (almost) bang, this episode has Skairn in audience with...
There Be Dragons - CH03E21 - Strong-Arm'dThe Jarl’s interruption of dinner presents an opportunity to garner favour with the mercenary company holding the City of Rattou. Tales...
Episode 21 on the Horizon!Hi everyone! It's your Monday update. (Remember friends in the Americas; we come in peace from the future!) Episode 21 is entering final...
Wherefore art thou Westfall?Hi everyone! Just an update here and on our shiny new patreon (go check it out!). As a special thankyou to our supporters, patreon...
There Be Dragons - CH03E20 - There's Something About MarySeparated from their (other) scaly friend - Abella, Charlie, Skairn, Hrosh and Nezor are brought to the headquarters of the Red Shield...
There Be Dragons - CH03E19 - Don't Split The PartyBang! The newly conquered city of Rattou is a hotbead of sedition and rebellion and an attempted assassination turns a little hairy as a...