Separated from their (other) scaly friend - Abella, Charlie, Skairn, Hrosh and Nezor are brought to the headquarters of the Red Shield mercenaries and prepare for an awkward evening with the local despot. After meeting the batman, divesting themselves of a terrapin, meeting a mysterious little girl- the party settle in for some scooby doo bullshit in the run up to dinner.
But… where’s Rhylind?
Skairn sees a bit more of the army than he wanted. Charlie interrupts a crime and makes a reference. Abella snoops and sneaks. Nezor gets funky. ***SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT*** We have just launched our Patreon! Check it out at
Our first mailbag episode goes live 6 hours after Ep 20's release!
There Be Dragons is a D&D 5th ed. game in a sword and gunpowder era.
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